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Rollaway: A Hands-Free Suitcase

Rollaway: A Hands-Free Suitcase: Spring 2019 Electromechanical Systems Design (24-671)

For my senior design capstone, I worked with a team of 3 other mechanical engineers to design and create an autonomous suitcase. Our final prototype was voted Most Innovative at the 2019 Spring Design Expo.

We conducted surveys in order to determine the most important customer needs for our product, while ensuring it is TSA compliant. Our suitcases uses aruco tags to detect the location of the user and an ultrasonic sensor to keep a set distance away from the user. Our final product consisted of a raspberry pi, camera, arduino, ultrasonic sensor, 2 caster wheels, 3D printed wheels, and two motors inside of a laser-cut acrylic chassis.

My main roles in this project were design, project management, and electronics.